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Foil pens for writeable wheels of fortune

You decide what should be written on your wheel of fortune. With our writeable wheels of fortune you are prepared for every situation. With our foil pens you have the right accessories for it. We offer a wide range of colors as sets or individual foil pens.

Design your writable wheel of fortune according to your wishes and simply wipe the wheel of fortune clean again with some water and a cloth to be ready for the next events.

Foil pen advantages
  • Full control of the design of your wheel of fortune

  • Easy and quick correction of the content

  • Many colors are available for you to choose from

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Glassboard Marker for Wheel of Fortune Writable

With our Glassboard Marker you have even more freedom to design your Wheel of Fortune Writable. Design your layout as colorful or as dark as you like. With a white font color you definitely stand out and give your wheel of fortune that certain extra.

Advantages of the Glassboard Marker
  • Full control of the design of your wheel of fortune

  • Easy and quick correction of the content

  • White font

Whiteboard marker for whiteboard wheels of fortune

A white wheel of fortune, markers and a good idea, that’s all it takes to get your customers attention with our whiteboard wheel of fortune. We can offer you the matching whiteboard markers. Order a complete set with 4 colors and a magnetic whiteboard eraser and you are ready for the next event.

Advantages of whiteboard markers
  • Full control of the design of your wheel of fortune

  • Easy and quick correction of the content

  • Full colors and thick strokes for more attention

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