Wheel of Fortune Standard Motives
Our wheel of fortune standard motives are suitable for all who do not want an individual wheel of fortune. Here you can choose from up to 45 standard motives your suitable design. This has the advantage that you do not have to think about a design, and can immediately access a wheel of fortune design.
We are happy to customize our standard motives for you individually for an additional charge. So that the wheel of fortune design also fits the logo print.
You still have questions about the order or the wheel of fortune? We will be happy to advise you.
Phone: (+49) 431-38675596

Standard Motive GS-01

Standard Motive GS-03

Standard Motive GS-04

Standard Motive GS-05

Standard Motive GS-06

Standard Motive GS-07

Standard Motive GS-08

Standard Motive GS-09

Standard Motive GS-10

Standard Motive GS-11

Standard Motive GS-12

Standard Motive GS-13

Standard Motive GS-14

Standard Motive GS-15

Standard Motive GS-16

Standard Motive GS-17

Standard Motive GS-18

Standard Motive GS-19

Standard Motive GS-20

Standard Motive GS-21

Standard Motive GS-22

Standard Motive GS-23

Standard Motive GS-24

Standard Motive GS-25

Standard Motive GS-26

Standard Motive GS-27

Standard Motive GS-28

Standard Motive GS-29

Standard Motive GS-30

Standard Motive GS-31

Standard Motive GS-32

Standard Motive GS-33

Standard Motive GS-34

Standard Motive GS-35

Standard Motive GS-36

Standard Motive GS-37

Standard Motive GS-38

Standard Motive GS-39

Standard Motive GS-40

Standard Motive GS-41

Standard Motive GS-42

Standard Motive GS-43

Standard Motive GS-44